Modules: Page Builder Compatible

Modules to extend functionality or add features that have been optimized for the osDXP Project

The Module concept extends and expands the functionality of Open Source DXP. The following Modules are enterprise-grade, osDXP-certified, and remain compatible with the WordPress repository.

Conditional Content for osDXP

Create custom content as unique as your site visitors
Conditional Content is a Personalization plugin that gives you the ability to add or replace content based on the site visitors' behavior.

Conditional Content is the ultimate customization tool, providing you with the ability to change content for the benefit of your visitors, and making it easier for the visitors to find what they are searching for.

By: Crowd Favorite

Per Year

Progressive Profiling for osDXP

Progressive Profiling for osDXP allows you to have dynamic forms for your users and avoid question overload for your site visitors while slowly building trust with them.
Collecting information from site visitors can be tricky, if the form is long and complicated many visitors will opt-out. Progressive Profiling allows you to select the information you wish to collect from the visitors and gradually collects the information for each site visitor as they return to your site.
(requires Gravity Forms)

By: Crowd Favorite

Per Year

Gravity Forms Enterprise for osDXP

Quickly build and design your osDXP forms using the intuitive visual form editor. Select your fields, configure your options, and easily embed forms on your osDXP powered site using the built in tools. With the added complexity that comes from moving from a Content Management System to the new features being integrated into DXP's today, osDXP Form Builder is completely compatible with the DXP standards, and our team is on the forefront of creating the project's roadmap to start integration to a user based workflow on the creation and management of DXP sites.

By: Rocketgenius

Enterprise Edition
Per Year

Shared Counts (osDXP Adaptation)

Social sharing buttons that look great and keep your site loading fast.

Shared Counts

By: Bill Erickson & Jared Atchison - osDXP version by CrowdFavorite

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