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Module Registration

In order for your plugin to appear as a module in the installed modules page, it has to first be recognized as a module by osDXP.
This means it needs to be a part of the available modules data.

Available Modules Endpoint

Available modules data is retrieved in the following order:

transient > remote > local


The available modules endpoint is defined in the main plugin file, at line 62:



This definition can be changed with either your own endpoint or with false if you only want to parse the information available in the local json file, available at:


This file also provides an example for how your endpoint should structure the returned data in order for it to be parsable by the plugin.


Please get in touch with us if you would like your module to appear in the default available modules endpoint.

Available Modules Filter

osDXP Dashboard exposes two available filters that, when used in conjunction, allows plugins to declare themselves as modules.

This method only works when the plugin is installed and activated, since your logic needs to be executed.


These filters are:

  • osdxp_get_modules

  • osdxp_get_available_modules


Please find below an example usage of this method.


//setting up module information
function my_module($modules) {
//plugin basename
$slug = 'my-module/my-module.php';

//plugin header info
//second param is false to strip extra markup injected by WP
$modules[$slug] = get_plugin_data(WPMM_PLUGIN_FILE, false);

//optional - if not set will output a placeholder logo
$modules[$slug]['logo'] = '';

//the 'Get Module' URL present in the Available Modules Page
$modules[$slug]['url'] = '';

//pricing info. can be left unset if not premium.
$modules[$slug]['price'] = '99.99';
$modules[$slug]['before-price-text'] = 'From';
$modules[$slug]['after-price-text'] = 'Per Year';

return $modules;

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